
Showing posts from December, 2019

Journal Review

Welcome back :) I've always happy if you're read articles in my blog, it means a lot to me. This article talks about the title, problem, solution, and result of a journal that I have read before, just a reminder that I just an English learner, not a native speaker though, so it might contain a LOT of mistakes. What is the title? Experiences on the Design, Creation, and Analysis of Multimedia Content to Promote Active Learning What is the problem?       The assessment of the practical competencies acquired in the lab was commonly evaluated at the end of each session by fulfilling questionnaires (oral questioning can be extremely time-consuming if the number of students is very large, as it is the case), which were not entirely satisfactory since time constraints did not allow extensive answers. Second, students must attend the lab to both learning and assessing the task (which is a graded activity), thus implying less time to reflect and understand. Mor

Modern problems require modern solutions

An attractive method and strategy that will stimulate the student to learn English vocabulary better.       As the world population increasing through time, the use of language becomes more critical. one of the most spoken language is English and y ou may have known that English was declared as the international language many years ago, a lot of people start to learn English because it is very important to learn, English is used anywhere, and anytime and even you might find your classmates is an English speaker. as the world population growth and revolution industrial 4.0 is already done, the use of English in our daily activities is a must because we don't know what will happen if people in other countries coming to us and we can't speak English, we will be doomed.       Some people say that English is easy to learn, "Just memorize vocabulary" They said. well, that statement isn't incorrect at all, but, have you considered some country that doesn'