Modern problems require modern solutions

An attractive method and strategy that will stimulate the student to learn English vocabulary better.

     As the world population increasing through time, the use of language becomes more critical. one of the most spoken language is English and you may have known that English was declared as the international language many years ago, a lot of people start to learn English because it is very important to learn, English is used anywhere, and anytime and even you might find your classmates is an English speaker. as the world population growth and revolution industrial 4.0 is already done, the use of English in our daily activities is a must because we don't know what will happen if people in other countries coming to us and we can't speak English, we will be doomed.

     Some people say that English is easy to learn, "Just memorize vocabulary" They said. well, that statement isn't incorrect at all, but, have you considered some country that doesn't alphabetical systems as their main letter unit. for example, Japan with its hiragana, katakana, kanji and any other countries that basically the same, such as Arab, China, Korea, Russia Etc. So it is hard for them to memorize the English vocabulary because they don't even know how to read the alphabet. try to figure out how to teach non-alphabet users because I only explain how to teach alphabetical users.

     Remember that every language is consists of 4 basic skills, it is writing, listening, reading, and speaking. and what would rather speaking skills among the four because I believe most people are struggling in speaking skills. this can happen because they don't confident to speak or poor vocabulary. as we know that vocabulary is one of the factors that support students in mastering language skills.

     The media that would I choose is flashcards. I put only commons vocabulary consist of 2,500 to 3,000 vocabulary. with that, you can understand 90% of everyday English conversations, English newspaper and magazine articles, and English used in the workplace. The remaining 10% you'll be able to learn from context or ask questions about. However, it's essential to learn the right English vocabulary words, so you don't waste your time trying to memorize a huge collection with very little benefit. 

          The flashcard should consist of the vocabulary, its translation, part of speech and the SVO (Subject-Verb-Object). the flashcard should be printed in various color, for example :
Subject: Yellow
Verb: Green
Object: Red
by using this kind of media, I believe that students will understand better and faster because they will remember each vocabulary by the time they use it. Then, to make the media more easy to learn, I have a method that basically came from a game called UNO. The students should throw their cards one by one but it must build a sentence, the first who ran out of card will be the winner.



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