
Showing posts from March, 2020

The Journal Article's Component

Last week, I compared three different journal articles, and today, I will summarize and explain each component that exists in the journal article " IMPROVING STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILL BY USING SHOW AND TELL METHOD: A CLASSROOM ACTION RESEARCH". The component of a journal article is basically like this: 1. Introduction 2. Literature Review/Theory 3. Methodology 4. Result/Finding and Discussion 5. Conclusion Abstract         This research employed a qualitative study using a Classroom Action Research approach by Kemmis and Mc. Taggart which was done during 3 cycles. Each cycle consists of four phases; planning, acting, observing, and reflecting, while each cycle was done in two meetings. Data were collected through the observation sheet, field notes, interview and tests. Introduction Speaking becomes one of the fourth skills to be mastered by Junior   High   School   students   besides   Listening,   Reading and   Writing.   There   are   interactive   process