The Journal Article's Component

Last week, I compared three different journal articles, and today, I will summarize and explain each component that exists in the journal article "IMPROVING STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILL BY USING SHOW AND TELL METHOD: A CLASSROOM ACTION RESEARCH". The component of a journal article is basically like this:
1. Introduction
2. Literature Review/Theory
3. Methodology
4. Result/Finding and Discussion
5. Conclusion

        This research employed a qualitative study using a Classroom Action Research approach by Kemmis and Mc. Taggart which was done during 3 cycles. Each cycle consists of four phases; planning, acting, observing, and reflecting, while each cycle was done in two meetings. Data were collected through the observation sheet, field notes, interview and tests.

Speaking becomes one of the fourth skills to be mastered by Junior  High  School  students  besides  Listening,  Reading and  Writing.  There  are  interactive  process  of  constructing meaning that involves  producing and receiving and processing information (Brown, 1994). By speaking, the students are expected to be able to communicate and express  the  meaning  of  language  in  a  transaction  and interpersonal spoken text to interact with surrounding.
            In  teaching  and  learning  process,  speaking  seems difficult to students. Based on the researcher’s experience  as  an  English  teacher, there  were  some  problems during speaking class.
1. Lack of Vocabulary
2. Lack of Participation
Based  on  the  problems  above,  the  needs  for  an  attractive   method   of   learning to   stimulate   students   to speak and improve students’ ability in speaking is urgent. The  teacher  should  be  creative  in  finding  the  appropriate  method  that  can  encourage  students to speak. One of the methods is Show and Tell Methods.
Improving Students’ Speaking Skill By Using Show And Tell Method: A Classroom Action Research

Literature Review/Theory
            Natural  speaking  can  be  practiced  by repetition and memorizing. It always happens in the classroom. It is supported  by  Clarke  (2009),  who  stated  that  the  use  of repetition  is an important strategy to assist in the learning  of  the  second language.  Saying  the  same  thing  more than once will give more than one chances to understand what  is  being said.  Repetition,  consequently,  will  also affect students’ confidence, activeness and enthusiasm
            Show and Tell method is  basically  defined  as  a method in teaching and learning process by sharing time activity  for students.  According  to  Barletta  (2008),  as  cited  in  Mortlock  (2014) Show  and Tell method  denotes  a practice where by children are given the opportunity to share an  oral  narrative  about  an  object  or experience.  The  object or experience is usually from their home life and told orally with their peers and with the teacher’s support.
            The  benefits  of Show  and  Tellmethod  is  best stated  by  Moffet  and  Wagner  (1976  as  cited  in  Bohning, 1981)  stated  that  some  benefits  of  doing Show  and  Tell method are to improve communication skill and practice it  in  front of the audience.  It  also  becomes  happy  time  with other  mates  to  share  with  about  something  special,  talking  about  their  feeling,  excited  or  proud  about  it.  This method has also given opportunity for students to develop their  language  skill  and  with  careful  coaching,  it  can  assist children in enhancing their communication skills and confidence  in  sharing  narratives  or  speaking  to  groups (Poveda,  2001  as  cited  in  Mortlock  2014).

             The method employed in this research was CAR. According to Burns (2010), CAR is a part of a broad movement that has been going on in education. It is related to the ideas of ‘reflective practice’ and ‘the teacher as researcher’. In this method, there are four components in one cycle for conducting classroom action research; planning, action, observation, and reflection which were conducted integrated like a spiral. Each phase is concluded based on the previous one and the next. The instruments used to collect the data are observation checklist, field notes, interview and video-taping, tests- which are administered to measure the students’ speaking skills after each cycle. The method used is a qualitative method and numerical data as supporting data. The data in the form of the qualitative method is obtained from the observation done by the collaborator during the teaching-learning process about the whole activities and the students’ participation. It is done by checking the list of activities during the teaching-learning process.

Finding and Discussion
          The data of tests showed the improvement of the students’ achievement in speaking. Field notes and the observation sheet showed the students’ participation in the teaching and learning process also suggested positive impacts on students. Interviews showed the students’ positive feelings after being implemented in using Show and Tell Method. In implementing Show and Tell Method, the researcher found the effectiveness of this method in the classroom which can be seen from the process of each cycle. Moreover, the researcher also found the result of interview and field notes to support the research result.

             The implementation of the Show and Tell method has conclusively improved the students’ progress in teaching and learning process. Students’ participation in speaking activities and tasks can be seen by some of these regards: Students’ psychological responses; students seem to be more emotionally inclined in following the activities, they seemed to have a lot of fun with their classmates and their groups, they did not seem bored or sleepy as usual. Instead, they seemed happy and enjoying the tasks given to them.


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