
Showing posts from November, 2020

Concluding Group 1's Material : Language Choice in Multilingual Communities

  Language Choice in Multilingual Communities by Group 1   Group 7 Abdul Ghofur        1810631060012 Ahmad Zaelani   1810631060156 (Author) Arka Marlino         1810631060013 Andrian Hadi      1810631060239 Deni Sukarya       1810631060197   Hello Everyone! Today, I would like to conclude my understanding about what had been presented by Group which titled Language Choice in Multilingual Communities and is consist of 22 PowerPoint pages that cover four major chapters as follows: -           Choosing Variety or Code -           Diglossia -           Polygossia -           Code-Switching & Mixing   1. Choosing Variety or Code a. Communication Repertoire -A tool kit of linguistic and communicative resources -Breadth – the number of languages you speak -Depth – Level of development of each language b. Domains use of language             - Typical interactions - e.g. family p