
Showing posts from April, 2020

Synthesizing Journal Articles

Synthesizing             Speaking is one of the important skills in language learning besides listening, writing, and reading. Speaking is an activity in giving and asking information as if dialoguing by two or more people (Arung, 2016).  Similar to Maulidar (2019) Speaking is one of the subjects where the students are expected to be able to use language (English) in their daily communication. Speaking is a crucial part of second language learning and teaching, it's an art of communications and one of 4 productive skills, that must be mastered in learning a foreign language. Good speaking skills are the act of generating words that can be understood by listeners. Bangun (2016) also claimed that speaking becomes one of the fourth skills to be mastered by Junior High School students besides Listening, Reading, and Writing. Bahadorfar (2014) stated that speaking is the skill that the students will be judged upon most in real-life situations and it is an important part of eve

Discussing a Journal Article

Hello.... Today, I, Ahmad Zaelani (18106301060156) and Abdul Ghofur (180631060012) have discussed journal articles that have been explained a week ago. Here is the video, enjoy.

Five Journal articles related to Improving English Speaking

Hello everyone, welcome back :) Today, I would like to share five different journal articles related to English skills, particularly English speaking skills. Check it out :) 1. Improving the Students’ Speaking Skill through Debate Technique             Conducted by Fernandes Arung from Universitas Sembilan belas November Kolaka in 2016, The primary objective of this research is to explain the application of debate technique in teaching speaking skills and to determine how much progress in speaking skills of the students after being taught using that technique.   This analysis is action work in the classroom that was done in two cycles. The analysis of data was achieved using testing and observation. The test and observation data from each cycle are quantitatively analyzed. The Implementation of debate technique in teaching speaking during the second year of SMA Negeri 1 Lasusua took place in two cycles including cycle one and cycle two. The participants in the study were 2