Five Journal articles related to Improving English Speaking

Hello everyone, welcome back :)

Today, I would like to share five different journal articles related to English skills, particularly English speaking skills. Check it out :)

1. Improving the Students’ Speaking Skill through Debate Technique
            Conducted by Fernandes Arung from Universitas Sembilan belas November Kolaka in 2016, The primary objective of this research is to explain the application of debate technique in teaching speaking skills and to determine how much progress in speaking skills of the students after being taught using that technique.  This analysis is action work in the classroom that was done in two cycles. The analysis of data was achieved using testing and observation. The test and observation data from each cycle are quantitatively analyzed. The Implementation of debate technique in teaching speaking during the second year of SMA Negeri 1 Lasusua took place in two cycles including cycle one and cycle two. The participants in the study were 29 in class XI / IPA 2. The outcome of this research showed that the use of debate techniques could improve the speaking skills of the students.

2. Improving Students’ Speaking Skill By Using Show And Tell Method: A Classroom Action Research
            In 2018, Betty Kasita Bangun conducted research related to improving English speaking skills. The research employed a qualitative study using the Kemmis and Mc. Taggart approach for Classroom Action Research which was done during three cycles. Each cycle consists of four stages; planning, acting, observing, and reflecting whilst each cycle was carried out in two meetings. The observation sheet, field notes, interviews, and tests were used to collect data. The research findings show improvement in the speaking skills of the students. The research result suggested that the students show a significant improvement when applying for the Show and Tell method during the teaching-learning process. Participation of the students and the mastery of vocabulary were increased; they were more active, enthusiastic and confident in speaking.

3. Teacher’s Strategies in Teaching Speaking for Cadets
             The research was conducted by three researchers from the University of Syiah kualah and published in 2019. The aim of this research is to find the strategies used in teaching speech and the problems that the teacher faces during a teaching process at BP2IP Malahayati Aceh. It also investigated the responses of the students towards the strategies of the teachers by involving two English teachers and 58 students in two classes. The researchers used classroom observation, interviews, and questionnaires as instruments of research to gain the required data. Classroom observation and interviews were used to identify the challenges facing teachers as well as teaching speaking strategies, and a questionnaire was used to gather data on the responses of students to the strategies. The results showed that the teachers in BP2IP Malahayati Aceh used five strategies in teaching speech for cadets, namely: role play, drilling, games, describing a picture, and also group discussion.

4. The Effectiveness of Positive Feedback in Teaching Speaking skill
            The research was conducted by Muh. Arief Muhsin from Muhammadiyah University of Makasar and published in 2016. The aim of the research was to find out the responses and perceptions of the students towards the corrective feedback given in teaching speaking activity. The research applied quantitative methods through questionnaires being sent to 70 students. The responses and perceptions of the students for corrective feedback from the teacher indicated that students think they should correct their spoken errors. Furthermore the students want to focus more on their teacher. They agree that their friends should correct their mistakes, too. Explicit correction, elicitation, and repetition are the most popular corrective feedbacks in teaching speech. They have an effective function in detecting mispronouncements and low accuracy and fluency from the students. Other corrective feedback such as implicit correction, recast, request for clarification, and metalinguistic feedback is not favored because the percentage is lower than other corrective feedback. It indicates that not all of the corrective feedback is used effectively in speech.     

Source: doi: 10.21512/lc.v10i1.87

5. Technology in Teaching Speaking Skills
            This research was conducted by two researchers Research Scholar, Department of Linguistics, KIKS, University of Mysore, Mysore (India) and published in 2014. The objective of this research is basically to discuss some modern technologies available for teachers of English nowadays in order to enhance speaking skill of second or foreign language learners. With this modernized world, technology is the vehicle for access. Today, technology is widely used in educational sectors, more than the communication, trade and transaction process. Technological tools were seen as ways to help students improve their language skills, such as speaking skills. Internet, podcasts, video conferencing, videos and voice recognition software are considered to be the best tools to teach speaking skills.

Author: Ahmad Zaelani


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