Synthesizing Journal Articles


            Speaking is one of the important skills in language learning besides listening, writing, and reading. Speaking is an activity in giving and asking information as if dialoguing by two or more people (Arung, 2016).  Similar to Maulidar (2019) Speaking is one of the subjects where the students are expected to be able to use language (English) in their daily communication. Speaking is a crucial part of second language learning and teaching, it's an art of communications and one of 4 productive skills, that must be mastered in learning a foreign language. Good speaking skills are the act of generating words that can be understood by listeners. Bangun (2016) also claimed that speaking becomes one of the fourth skills to be mastered by Junior High School students besides Listening, Reading, and Writing. Bahadorfar (2014) stated that speaking is the skill that the students will be judged upon most in real-life situations and it is an important part of everyday interaction and most often the first impression of a person is based on his/her ability to speak fluently and comprehensively. Based on all of the opinions above, it is clear that English speaking skills are undoubtedly have to be mastered by anyone to able to communicate in daily activities communication or some specific professional areas.
            Even though Speaking skill is crucial and it is mean that everyone has to learn and master in it but in reality, it is so hard to be mastered because of numerous problems often happens in fields such as students’ lack of vocabulary or something else. As stated by Arung (2016), There are internal and external factors. Internal factors come from the student themselves. These concerns with personality factors. The students were afraid to express their ideas. They worried everyone will mock them. Other factors came out from students. This concerns their environment, parents, and teaching-learning technique in their school. Bangun (2018) claimed that two of the most problematic causes that always hamper students to speak in the language learning process is the lack of vocabulary and lack of participation, students got difficulties to find the appropriate words to express their ideas and When the teacher asked some questions, they just kept silent and hesitated to answer. It took a long time for them to uttering something and responding to questions. to communicate in the target language is not easy, especially if students have little understanding about linguistic competence of the target language, lack of vocabulary, and confidence which makes them tend to be afraid of using the language (Maulidar, 2019). Another thought also given by Bahadorfar (2014), teachers have a responsibility to prepare the students as much as possible to be able to speak in English in the real world outside the classroom. Despite its importance, for many years, teaching speaking has been undervalued and English language teachers have continued to teach speaking just as a repetition of drills or memorization of dialogues. In other words, Teachers have to find the best and proper method to be implemented in the classroom to develop and encourage students’ English speaking skills.
            To solve the problems above, there are many methods or ways to improve students speaking skills. One of them is the show and tell method. Show and Tell method is basically defined as a method in the teaching and learning process by sharing time activity for students. Show and Tell method denotes a practice whereby children are given the opportunity to share an oral narrative about an object or experience. The objector experience is usually from their home life and told orally with their peers and with the teacher’s support (Bangun, 2018). Another method that is debate method was conducted by Arung (2016) The use of debate technique has been advocated in teaching speaking process. Typically, the debate is very interested to be implemented to improve speaking skills. Students have a lot of opportunities to practice speaking and have active involvement in the debate. Another research was conducted by using Technology to enhance students’ speaking skills. Technology can stimulate the playfulness of learners and immerse them in a variety of scenarios. Technology gives learners a chance to engage in self-directed actions, opportunities for self-paced interactions, privacy, and a safe environment in which errors get corrected and specific feedback is given (Bahadorfar, 2014).
            In Summary, teaching the English language is often very difficult to implement especially one of its branches called speaking skills. This due to teachers' and students problems. Teachers seem hard to encourage and find a proper method to be implemented in the classroom and students themselves seems hard to understand what material that has been given to them. To solve it, there are many method that help teachers to improve students speaking skills. Show and tell method, which improve student speaking skill in front of the audience. Debate methods, which through debate can be an enjoyable experience for both teacher and student. In fact, students can improve their speaking skills after being taught by debate techniques. And the use of technology in teaching speaking skills which can stimulate the playfulness of learners and immerse them in a variety of scenarios.

Author: Ahmad Zaelani

Articles Source:
doi: 10.21512/lc.v10i1.87


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