The Solutions to fix Indonesia' Educational System Problems

The Solutions to fix Indonesia' Educational System Problems

We believe education is the best way to make all countries into a great country. We can exchange our life with education to be a good life, rich and wealthy. Education is the way to make our generation a good human resource that can be more effective in managing our natural resources. The country can't be a rich country with prosperity and a smart society without education. Good education system always creates a big country. Education is one of the main drivers for our people's intellectual and professional development and plays a rising role in supporting a stronger, more globally competitive Indonesia. Education in Indonesia, however, still has several problems with quality and access issues as well as the even distribution of well-trained teachers, and any other problems.

Considering that Indonesia is a developing country and has not that good education system, it is not a bad idea to follow the developed countries' education system. in this case, that developed countries have a correlation to fix Indonesia' educational system. one of the basic problems in Indonesia's education system is zoning systems, this system somehow "forces" the students to take a school that near to their home. The students feel "forced" because their school doesn't provide good facilities, in other words, the school is not prepared for this situation. let's take a look at the country that right now is developing the revolution industrial 5.0 while Indonesia somehow still moving from 3.0 to 4.0, the country is Japan. Japan created a zoning system because they already prepared enough to do that. Not only the teaching and learning process created with the same standards, but the physical facilities of the building are the same. For example, all schools have sports fields of the same size, all have swimming pools, all have multi-purpose buildings, shoe lockers, bag lockers, study tables, and chairs, same magnetic whiteboard, equally good toilet, and so on.

                 Another Indonesia's education problem is basically its low-quality teachers. It happens because the teacher selection is not difficult, imagine how many low-quality teachers would be. if we look to Finlandia that has declared for the best educational systems for years. Teachers in Finlandia have at least a Master degree and at least earning 321 million rupiah per month in 2008. this to reason is enough to convince anyone that Finland has one of the best teachers in the world. the following are the fact in Finland educational systems :
1. Children in Finland are not permitted to enter elementary school if they are not yet 7 years old.
2. Teachers have another method to evaluate the students, not only with exams or assignments.
3. Unlike in Indonesia, in Finland children are not measured from their first 6 years of education.
4. There is only one standard compulsory test in Finland, which is when they are 16 years old.
5. all of the students study in the same class either they are smart or not.
6. 30 percent of children in Finland receive a 9-year scholarship for school.
7. 66 percent of children in Finland receive an education until college.
8. Science classes in Finland have a maximum of 16 students so they can practice and do research in an effective way.
9. Elementary students have 75 minutes of rest a day.
10. School fees are 100 percent state-funded.

Ahmad Zaelani


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