Sociolinguistics : General Definiton

    One of the most important symbols of social behavior is language. We use language to send important social signals about who we are, where we come from, and who we interact with through the natural transmission of knowledge by language. It is also surprising to learn how deeply we can evaluate the context, behavior, and motives of a person simply based on the vocabulary, accent, or, in some situations, even the use of a single word of the individual.

    The basic idea behind sociolinguistics is very simple: symbolically, the usage of language expresses the basic aspects of social activity and human interaction.

    Yasmin (2013) described sociolinguistics as a science that explores the aims and functions of language in society. It helps to clarify how language varies across regional boundaries from one context to another and how individuals interact with individuals in other contexts in one context (e.g., non-native-nonnative speakers; non-native-native speakers; and so on). According to Sali (2013), sociolinguistics is the interaction between language, culture, and society. Depending on the focus, practically every language research requires a social relation, and without that human component, language does not exist. Language is related to the relationship between language and culture, language, and social phenomena.

    Another definition of sociolinguistics that defined by Faizin (2010) sociolinguistics is the study of the connection between language and society, the variation of language and attitudes towards language, and it is analyzed the relationship between language and social factors, such as class, age, gender, and ethnicity.

   It can be concluded that in scientific terms, Sociolinguistics is the linguistic branch that deals with the analysis. Language in relation to culture. Language and culture are the same The hand and the glove. They are interrelated since language can not exist without a company. Sociolinguistics can shed a lot of light on both nature of language and the nature of culture. We're talking in different styles in a variety of social contexts. In general explanation, Sociolinguistics study the relationship between society and language. They study the social role of language and how the meaning is communicated. Sociolinguists explain why we talk in various ways in social contexts

References :

Sali, A, T. (2013). Variationist Sociolinguistics. Change, Observation, Interpretation. 42-49.

Yasemin. B. (2013). Current Perspectives on Sociolinguistics and English Language Education. Bogazici University, Faculty of Education, Foreign Language Education, Istanbul,, 69-78.


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