Reviewing an Article (Naming Traditions)

 Naming Traditions 

     Every country around the world has a lot of different cultures, one of them is Naming Tradition cultures. You might think it is just unnecessary cultures and need to be removed. but actually, you can't, because, in some countries, it is very important.
     When former American President Bill Clinton met President Kim Young Sam who is the President of South Korea, He repeatedly called the Korean President's wife as Mrs. Kim, this makes the South Korea officials were offended, and the United States delegation was embarrassed. 
     President Bill Clinton made a big mistake because of his advisers assumed that Korean has the same traditions as Japanese and had not been informed that to him. in Korea, wives retain their maiden names. President Kim Young Sam's wife was named Shon Myong Suk. In Korea, the family name comes before the given name, so it is mean that President Bill Clint should have called her as Mrs. Shon instead of Mrs. Kim.
   Some country that has the same Naming Traditions are Cambodians, Chinese, Hmong, and Vietnamese. Koreans and Chinese using three names while Vietnamese uses up to four names. this unique culture also happens in Mexico. When a woman marries, she keeps her maiden name and adds her husband's name after the word de (of): After marrying Ahmad Joetaro, Marzia Felipe becomes Marzia Felipe de Joetaro.
    As shown in the first paragraph we knew that naming tradition is an important culture to its country. To prevent an awkward situation or triggering them, you must remember these things:
1. Don't assume that every married woman uses her husband's last name.
2. Many Asian countries use a reversed name order.
3. Remember that in Latino naming tradition, males prefer to use their father's family name
4. Ask which name a person would prefer to use politely.
     In conclusion, a lot of country in the world has a unique culture, in this case, Naming Tradition. Some people think that this culture makes them confused, especially Americans and any country that has the reversed naming system in Asian. such as Korea, Vietnam, China or others. If you are going to these countries, you need to remember the four tips given by the reviewer in the fifth paragraph.

Reviewed by: Ahmad Zaelani


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